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Kartenspielereien (Münchener Bilderbogen)

These sheets were produced in the series Münchener Bilderbogen between c. 1850 and c. 1860, and edited by K. Braun und F. Schneider. The designs are assumed to be from William Tegg and the lithographer was J. C. Beeg, his initials JB are on several of the cards.

There were several editions, and they were all printed in black, as can be seen in the first sheet below, taken from the first edition. Later editions were slightly different. The hand-coloured sheets shown below are from from the 7th and 8th edition. Note that there are less descriptions on the cards of the Clubs sheet when compared to the first edition. You can see that there are no inscriptions on the Diamonds cards of the last sheet below, but there were several inscriptions on these cards in the first edition (not shown here).

The different editions were sometimes printed by different printers, here you can see that the first sheet was printed by J. v. Himmer in Augsburg, the other four by C. Wolf & Sohn in Munich. There were additional editions for the Netherlands and Great Britain, these also show differences.

Sometimes the cards were cut out from the sheets, and pasted to cardboard to produce real playing-cards. In my collection is an incomplete pack that was cut from first edition sheets, with only the suit-signs coloured.

© Peter Endebrock, 02 Dec. 2009