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Hexenspiel (Vogelspiel)

This is a pack for a game called Hexenspiel or Vogelspiel in German. It is related to the Italian Cuccù (where it possibly came from), and also related to the Norwegian Gnav and the Swedish Kille.

There are 32 cards in the pack, the picture cards exist as doubles, and the number cards as singles. The cards show
Pfeiffa bird
Werdaa sentinel
Miaua cat
Hotta horse
Einkertha pub
Dellera plate
Glasa glass
Narra jester
Hexa witch

This pack is hand-drawn and painted, most probably in Southern Germany during the second half of the 19th century. The pictures were pasted to real cards, as you can see in one of the Deller cards in the second scan.

© Peter Endebrock, 03 Aug. 2003