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Feine Deutsche Sieges Karte (Fine German Victory Cards)

This pack was produced by the Industrie Comtoir (often "Industrie Comptoir") in Leipzig in 1815, the names of the pack and of the maker are on the wrapper:

The initials F. G. B. on the Seven of Hearts are those of the owner Friedrich Gotthelf Baumgärtner. These initials can also be found on the package on the Deuce of Leaves, together with "No. 1815".

The pack was edited to celebrate the victory over Napoleon in the battle of Waterloo. The court cards are dedicated to the four powers gaining the victory and their allies, the Kings show:
Acorns:   Friedrich Wilhelm, King of Prussia, for Germany
Leaves:   the Prince Regent for England
Herz:   Emperor Franz for Austria
Schellen:   Tsar Alexander for Russia

© Peter Endebrock, 01 Feb. 2019