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Prints from Silver Plates (Abdrücke von Silberplatten)

These are prints from silver plates engraved by Georg Heinrich Bleich in a folder titled

(prints of a complete pack of cards engraved on silver plates by Georg Heinrich Bleich).

The cards were most probably engraved in the second half of the 17th century, and the prints were made by Carl Förster in Munich in 1881, with each card on a separate sheet. 200 copies were printed. The initials of the engraver are on the Six of Leaves. I am not completely convinced of the attribution to Bleich, as you might also read the initials as 'H B G'.

The cards have German suit-signs. Note that the Unters are female. The Tens are banners, as was not unusual at that time. The size of the cards is 48 x 35 mm.

© Peter Endebrock, 01 April 2023