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Acht Kupfer zu Butlers Hudibras auf Coeur-Karten

These are not cards for a game but eight transformation cards that were published in the 'Taschenbuch für 1801' (Almanach for 1801) by the Vieweg-Verlag in Braunschweig. The title is:

(Eight copper engravings for Butler's Hudibras on Hearts cards)

These cards are generally regarded as the first printed transformation cards. They were drawn by Dietrich Wilhelm Soltau (1745 - 1827), who also translated the text, and engraved by Gottfried Daniel Berger (1744 - 1825).

The cards are illustration for the satrical epic 'Hudibras' by Samuel Butler. They do not form a complete pack but there are eight single cards, with the Two of Hearts and the Three of Hearts three times each. The cards are shown here in the sequence that they have in the text.

© Peter Endebrock, 01 July 2023