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Computer House of Cards

This is a pack that does not really fit into my collection, as it is a sort of family game. I keep it because I like the designs. It is called

The cards have been designed by Charles Eames for IBM, they were printed by Otto Mayer Verlag in Germany, and they were distributed as souvenirs at the IBM pavilion at the 1970 World's Fair in Osaka, Japan.

As the name says, the cards are intended to build a house of cards, which is supported by the slots in the cards. There are 56 cards, and I am showing only some of them. They show details and parts of contemporary 'modern' computers. There is an accompanying leaflet that explains what is shown on the cards.

Originally, Charles and Ray Eames had designed a 'House of Cards' pack already in the 1950s, with pictures of different (mostly small) items. I am showing the title card, the explanation card and three more cards of that pack in the bottom two rows.


© Peter Endebrock, 01 Oct. 2014