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Tax Wrappers from Great Britain

On all wrappers shown the duty is 3 pence.

The wrapper below shows a penalty of £20 for re-use and a penalty of £5 for non-cancellation. In addition, it shows a penalty of £20 for selling cards without a licence.
This wrapper was in use from 1862 to 1875. Afterwards a similar wrapper without the penalty legend for selling without a licence was used.
de la Rue & Co.
110 Bunhill Row, London
1865 - 1875
The mentioned wrapper without the penalty legend for selling without a licence is shown below. This is for second-hand cards sold by Mudie & Sons.
(scanned by John Thorpe)
Mudie & Sons
15, Coventry Street, W.
Opposite the Haymarket.
1875 - 1883
The wrappers below show a penalty of £20 for re-use and a penalty of £5 for non-cancellation.
Such wrappers were in use from 1883 to c. 1952.
The smaller wrappers were used for patience packs.

Thos. de la Rue & Co. Ltd.
110 Bunhill Row, London
1930 - 1940
Thos. de la Rue & Co. Ltd.
110 Bunhill Row, London
1930 - 1940
C. Goodall & Son Ltd.
Camden Town
London NW
c. 1930
John Waddington Ltd.
Leeds and London.
c. 1940
Universal Playing Card Co. Ltd.
Leeds and London
c. 1950
Mardon, Son & Hall
c. 1930
Mudie & Sons
15 Coventry Street, London, W.
c. 1920
Porterprint Limited
Leeds 9
c. 1950
c. 1935
de la Rue Stationers
Limited London
c. 1950
Thos. de la Rue & Co. Ltd.
110, Bunhill Row, E.C.1
c. 1930
Thos. de la Rue & Co. Ltd.
London, E.C.
c. 1940
John Waddington Limited
Licensed Playing Card Manufacturers
Leeds & London
c. 1940
Chas. Goodall & Son Ltd.
110, Bunhill Row, E.C.1
c. 1925
Mardon, Son & Hall
c. 1935
(The pasted green dot indicates
the colour of the card backs)
On the following wrappers the penalty for non-cancellation has risen to £20.
They were in use from c. 1952 to c. 1955.

Thomas de la Rue & Co. Ltd.
London England
1952 - 1955
John Waddington & Co. Ltd.
Leeds and London.
Alf Cooke Limited
(Universal Playing Card Company)
Leeds and London
1952 - 1955
Porterprint Ltd.
Leeds, 9
c. 1958
John Waddington Limited
Licensed Playing Card Manufacturers
Leeds & London
c. 1954
No penalty is shown on the following wrappers.
They were in use c. 1955 to 1960

de la Rue Stationers
Limited London
c. 1957 - 1960
Alf Cooke Limited
(Universal Playing Card Company)
Leeds and London
1956 - 1960
John Waddington Ltd.
Leeds and London
c. 1956
John Waddington & Co. Ltd.
Leeds and London
c. 1958
Finally there were wrappers for imported cards.
The small one was for patience packs.

1883 - c. 1950 1896 - c. 1950
c. 1950 - 1960

© Peter Endebrock, 01 March 2015